Cardigan Welsh Corgi Association

Join the CWCA

The CWCA Book of UK Champions

book of Champions

2016-2020 Updates

This set contains 16 new champions who achieved their title between June 2016 and March 2020, when the pandemic put an end to showing that year

Designed to be added to your ring binder... if you've not got a binder, why not order one today?

The book contains a forward by current Chairwoman, Karen Hewitt, plus a commentary on the progress of the breed written by Simon Parsons

The pedigree pages contain colour photos.

2012-2016 Updates

This is a set of 19 pages to update your Book of Champions with those crowned from December 2011 to June 2016

Designed to be added to your ring binder... if you've not got a binder, why not order one today?

The book contains a forward by current Chairwoman, Karen Hewitt, plus a commentary on the progress of the breed written by Simon Parsons

The pedigree pages contain colour photos.

2005-2011 Updates with ring binder

These pages show pictures, pedigrees and breeding details of Cardi Champion dogs dating from 2005 thru November 2011.

Designed to be updated on a regular basis, the set comes with a 9" by 10" Ring Binder, plus colour inserts for the champions form 2005 thru November 2011

The book contains a forward by current Chairwoman, Karen Hewitt, plus a commentary on the progress of the breed written by Simon Parsons

The pedigree pages contain colour photos.

Original pages with ring binder

This set of 200 pages are the original pages for our out-of-print hardcover volume included are:
9" x 10" Ring binder
Historical section
- a series of articles written by knowledgeable club members describing the development and history of the breed

Pedigree Section - 266 Champion images and pedigree grids.

Non Champion section - 45 images of non Champion dogs who contributed to the development of the breed.

Extended Pedigree section - an extended pedigree list - a good reference document to many other dogs of the Cardi breed

Index section - Index to champions with picture reference numbers.

Complete set
(2 x Ring Binder, all pages from 1929-2020)

Now you can purchase the complete set:
2 x 9" by 10" Ring binders, plus all the pages from both the original book and the 2005-2020 updates

Ring binder alone

If you are need of a binder, you may order one by itself. These are a custom size 9" by 10", dark green with gold embossed text.